University. The biggest part of my life for the past two years. I can hardly believe that I was really unsure about whether to go this time two years ago. It took results day and getting a place, to convince me that it was the right thing for me. Looking back at my first and second year, I’m really glad I overcame my fears of leaving home and enrolled at the University of Kent.
University has taken my passion for IT and all things technology to a whole new level; each lecture I go to, I love my course more and more. It’s really brought out my inner computer geek and that’s perfectly okay!
University has taught me a lot about myself and about life in general and I thought I’d share the things I’ve learnt in today’s post.
University of Kent, October 2015 |
1. Getting a work-life balance is one of the most important things.
I’ve done far too many late nighters studying in my 2 years at Uni. Once you get that perfect balance, you’re a lot happier and a lot less tired. It’s one of the things I’m going to be aiming for in my third year.
2. If you have to go home often, that’s perfectly okay.
I used to worry that if I went home a lot, I’d miss out on events and seeing my friends. Yes you do miss out a bit sometimes, but your friends totally understand that you want to go home and they won’t forget you for it!
3. Self-motivation is one of the most important things at University.
It’s not like school, you have to work independently and find things out yourself. You need to be really self-motivated and tell yourself to stop watching TV or looking on Facebook, when you know you should be studying. If you get distracted easily, go to the library to study or the labs at your Uni. Sometimes seeing others working is the best form of motivation!
4. Your lecturers are there to help you.
I’ve been very lucky and had lecturers that are really willing to help you. They’ll reply to emails late at night or arrange meetings with you, so that they can help you in person. Before Uni I was a bit concerned that they wouldn’t have much time to help students individually, but if you ask for advice or help, they will go out of their way to find time for you.
5. Not many students get up early!
Okay this one’s not so serious, but as someone who wakes up between 6 and 7am, I was really shocked when I started Uni and hardly anyone else got up early. I’m known as the early riser at Uni and even though not many people are up then, it gives me a chance to use the washing machine or shower without a queue haha!
I’m so glad I said yes to University!
What have you learnt since becoming a student?
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