Animal Kingdom is such a lively and atmospheric Disney park. It’s full of spectacular wildlife, colourful architecture and the sounds of music from different cultures. It’s quickly become one of my favourite parks at Walt Disney World and we actually stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge in 2014. I realise Animal Kingdom has been undergoing a lot of changes since I last went, but my favourite things at the park are still there and that’s what I’ll be talking about today.
Kilimanjaro Safaris
Kilimanjaro Safaris comes top for me out of the rides at Animal Kingdom park. We always head straight there at 8am during extra magic hours and get on one of the first safaris of the day. It’s always a lot cooler then and there’s more animals out than there would be in the hotter parts of the day. You get to see some amazing animals on the safari and your tour guide tells you lots of interesting facts about them. If you want to get good photos, make sure you sit on one of the outside seats!
Kali River Rapids
Every time we go to Animal Kingdom, we always grab a fast pass for Kali River Rapids in the Asia area of the park. You are guaranteed to get soaked on it, but it’s such a fun ride! Plus you’re in Florida, so you dry really quickly in the midday sun anyway. The theming is brilliant – it’s as if you’re travelling along an Indian river.
Festival of the Lion King
This is one of the best shows on Disney property! A 30 minute musical extravaganza featuring the songs of the Lion King and our favourite characters from the film. Disney got it so right with Festival of the Lion King; it’s just incredible! The four main singers in the show are always so unbelievably talented, especially the girl who sings Circle of Life. But then to sing that song, you definitely have to have a world-class voice.
The Merchandise!
The merchandise at Animal Kingdom is amazing! They have animal print Minnie ears, safari-style hats, animal-themed t-shirts, lots of different plushes, special Animal Kingdom mugs… there’s just so many unique things to purchase at the the park. You can also buy traditional African and Asian items in their respective areas of the park – which have actually been shipped over from their original countries.
What are your favourite things at Animal Kingdom park?
Thank you for reading my blog today.