From left to right, I have Sebastian, Snow White, Leia, Rapunzel, Jiminy Cricket, Eyeore, Olaf and of course Mickey! Aren’t they adorable? At the moment they’re stacked on the bookshelf in my room, next to my Frozen ‘K’ letter that I purchased from Lizi. Quickly that’s becoming the Disney corner of my room haha!
I really hope to get some more tsums in the near future, but I probably won’t go crazy in the amount of tsums I collect, as I have a few other Disney collections to keep up with – my Jim Shore Disney Traditions, my Disney art and books. However, this theory will probably go out the window when I’m next in Clintons or the Disney Store.
I’m so glad my boyfriend bought me those first tsums back in December as it’s meant I now have a collection of my own. They’re cute, very Disney and they don’t take up much space – what’s not to love?