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Travel essentials for bloggers

When I went to Rome last week, I travelled without my laptop. This was an odd experience because I usually always have it with me, so that I can write new blog posts, catch up on emails or work on photo editing. I have an iPhone and normally in this situation I’d post photos that I’ve taken on my phone whilst I’m on holiday, but the screen is badly cracked and the phone doesn’t work very well anymore, so I didn’t want to rely on it for pictures. Instead, I took my parents’ iPad with me, which meant I was still able to Instagram pictures, just those on my camera memory card. I borrowed my friend’s Apple SD card reader and it was fantastic – just what I needed to be able to microblog whilst I was away! In hindsight of the trip, I thought I’d put together a list of travel essentials for bloggers. Lots of these items really helped me keep on top of my social media whilst I was travelling!

1. A device that will let you access Instagram.

2. An SD card camera reader.

These are perfect if you want to upload high quality photos from your camera, instead of iPhone pictures.

3. A notebook.

When you’re travelling and you’ve got some time to kill, having a notebook with you is really handy. You can start writing your posts, before you’re home!

4. A map.

This means you won’t forget the names of the tourist sights you visited. Stuart drew on our map where we visited each day, so I’d know the names of the places for when I got home and sat down to blog about them.

5. Spare camera batteries.

As bloggers, we all take a lot of pictures, so extra batteries can be really handy at times!

6. A reusable shopping bag.

If you collect souvenirs, tickets, drinks or snacks during the day, pop them inside a reusable shopping bag, slip it over your shoulder and then it won’t affect your photography. There’s nothing worse than wanting to take a photo, but your hands are full!
Have you got any other suggestions for travel essentials?
Thanks for reading my blog today.


  1. Food & Baker says:

    These are defo some good tips, I think we have an apple SD card reader but haven't tried it yet – will do after this! And a reusable bag is always a must these days but easily forgotten! Thanks for sharing!

    Jessica & James |

  2. Anonymous says:

    I really want to spend more time travelling and taking adventures this year, but I'm always a bit lost when it comes to what I really need to bring with me. Thank you for sharing x

  3. Kat Last says:

    Apple SD card readers are so helpful and well worth the money! You're right, reusable bags are so easily forgotten!

    Thanks for commenting!
    Have a lovely day.


  4. Kat Last says:

    Hopefully this post has been helpful then! 🙂 What places are you thinking of visiting?

    Have a brilliant day.


  5. Unknown says:

    I'm not fussed about the instagram device one as I don't use it much but one item I would recommend anyone take is a powerbank to charge your phone up on the go. I use my phone to take pictures so my battery drains very quickly!
    Amy at Amy & More

  6. Kat Last says:

    That's such a great idea!


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