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Exploring Temple Bar

Temple Bar: the most lively district of Dublin. It’s home to bars and pubs that have live music every night and it’s a place where you can really experience the Irish culture. From celtic signs to colourful building fronts, Temple Bar has some really fab architecture. I thought I’d show you some of this architecture in today’s post and give you a tour of Temple Bar.

Everywhere you look, there are pubs and restaurants. It’s no wonder that so many tourists head to Temple Bar in the evening.

The popular red bar ‘The Temple Bar’ is a favourite with locals and tourists. We stopped at the bar on a Tuesday afternoon and it wasn’t too busy in the middle of the afternoon. The venue is so much bigger than you’d expect on the inside and there’s a big pub garden out the back of it too!

It feels very traditionally Irish inside, with popular cultural symbols everywhere.

Stuart ordered a pint of Guinness much to my delight, as it meant I could get a photo of a pint of Guinness in Ireland. I was too much of a chicken to order one myself; I shamefully stuck to water haha!

I did try a bit of the Guinness though and it wasn’t quite as bad as I’d expected.

The streets of Temple Bar are lovely to walk around, especially as there are bright colours, street art and neon signs everywhere!

I really like the lanterns outside of the Old Storehouse Bar and Restaurant. These photos were taken at around 6pm and the lanterns light up the street so well.

The Temple Bar fish and chip restaurant is so green! It’s next door to the Old Storehouse Bar and Restaurant.

The yellow building with lots of flags is definitely one of the most eye-catching buildings in Temple Bar. It’s the Oliver St. John Gogarty pub and restaurant, but it’s also a hostel too.

There is a shop with salmon-coloured doors and window shutters, only a short walk from the Oliver St. John Gogarty hostel. It was closed when we walked past, but I had to take a photo of it because it’s so pretty.

Temple Bar is a photographer’s dream! The district is full of such wonderful buildings.
Have you been before?
Thanks for reading my blog today.


  1. Unknown says:

    Great round up! I came back from Dublin on Friday and absolutely loved Temple Bar – everywhere you look is just so cool and colourful, I couldn't stop taking pictures!

    Hollie |

  2. I loved the Temple Bar area when went to Dublin. You're really making me want to go back! Did you see any of the street art? I loved that every pub we went into had live music and such a lovely atmosphere.
    Kate xx

  3. Kat Last says:

    Temple Bar is brilliant! šŸ™‚
    I totally agree, it's such a nice place to take photos.


  4. Kat Last says:

    Aww that's so good to hear! šŸ™‚
    I did see the street art.

    Which pubs did you visit?


  5. Kel McK says:

    You got some great pictures, it's such a fun, lively area! x

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