As I’m writing this, I can’t quite believe that 6 months have gone by since my very first post on this blog. A lot has happened since then: I finished second year of Uni, I turned 20, I got a new job and I travelled to the Czech Republic and Poland for the very first time. In the past 6 months, I’ve gone through two different blog domains, numerous templates and spent hours and hours trying to grow this little corner of the internet. I’ve changed posting days, blogged about Fashion and Disney, then travel full time, until I reached this point where I’m stripping my blog back to just me Kat Last – a Technology student from the UK, who loves to travel and is way too obsessed with Disney.
I’ve learnt a lot in these 6 months and today I thought I’d share my experiences on my blog.
1. Having a blog schedule or ‘posting days’ just demotivates me and makes me feel pressured.
I suffer quite badly from stress and having to keep to particular posting days, makes me associate blogging with my University deadlines. It’s supposed to be fun after all and forcing myself to put content out, even when I’m too busy and not pleased with it, just doesn’t make a happy Kat.
2. I will never be able to keep up with an Instagram theme.
Earlier in the year I tried to only ever post photos on Instagram that had an element of pink in them. Well that failed, I gave up in April of this year, but at least I gave it a good go!
3. Twitter is great for growing your blog!
Most of my blog traffic comes from Twitter and despite being someone who never fully saw the point of it before, it’s safe to say I’m now an addict!
4. Photography is a great way to relax, whilst at the same time get inspired for new post ideas.
I’ve always enjoyed taking photos, but since having this blog to update regularly, it’s really brought out the inner photographer in me. Photography is really therapeutic and most of my post ideas revolve around photos I’ve taken.
5. Restricting my blog themes is not good for me.
For about 6 weeks, I’ve blogged solely about travel and although I love writing travel posts, having to write about travel all of the time has taken the interest out of it for me. Hence why I’m back to square one and writing a lifestyle blog, where just about any kind of post is acceptable!
6. The blogging community is one of the friendliest and most welcoming groups to be a part of.
I have been fortunate enough to meet some truly lovely people through blogging (Steph, Jade, Lizi, Sarah and Eleanor – you all know you are), who I now consider as good friends. There’s people I talk to regularly who’s comments and kind words, just make my day: Jamie, Alisha and Hannah, and it’s thanks to them, that I’ve really enjoyed my 6 months in the Twittersphere.
The blogging community is willing to help you with any questions you have, welcome you with open arms and spread positivity. I’m so grateful to say that I’m now a part of it.
I liked this post a lot mainly because I hope I reach the six month mark and I will still learn a lot as I go. Thank you for sharing.